How do I make my ideas more creative?

You’re staring at a blank page thinking “gee, I have no idea how to make this interesting…”

I get it. It happens to the best of us!

But it’s also a great challenge to face. Because just by challenging the idea to become more creative - the end result will be a more engaging and memorable video.

But that doesn’t make it any easier. Which is why we made the How To Make Your Idea Not S**t! Cheat sheet.

See creativity is all about dislodging the usual way of thinking about something, and in the space that remains is an opportunity to fill it with new, unique or challenging perspectives.

So the cheat sheet really aims to unlock the way of thinking - by asking questions like:

  • What would this project sound like?

  • What texture is the project?

  • Are there any memories that the project reminds you of?

  • Describe the colour of the project?

It may seem esoteric and very left-of-field, but by exploring the corners and edges of the idea, you start to see the idea take shape.

Juxtaposition, comparison, references - these all illuminate the very core of the idea and help distill what you’re trying to create.

Sounds pretty tricky. But it’s not.

Download the cheat sheet today and try it out for yourself!

Our Cheat Sheet is the perfect North Star to refining your creative challenges!

And of course, if you would prefer us to do the heavy thinking - you can get your same day quote at the link below.


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